Aslinda neden her gün evde oturmuyoruz ki? Evde oturmak sadece bize bagli olan bir sey ve diger insanlarla muhatap olmamizi gerektirmiyor.
Bir 3. Dünya Ülkesinden gelmis olmak hangi duyarliliklarin lüzumlu hangilerinin lüzumsuz oldugu hakkinda karar verme yetisini keskinlestiren bir sey.
29 Haziran 2013 Cumartesi
21 Haziran 2013 Cuma
Su an bulundugum yeri terkedip gönlümce takilmamamin sebebi 15000(+12000) Euro civarindaki borcum ve üzerimdeki para kazanma baskisi olabilir mi diye düsünüyorum. Bunlarin bir noktaya kadar etkisi olabilir ama bunun ötesinde hayati yasamaktan korkmak, konformizm daha gecerli nedenler. Tezi bitirince neden 2-3 ay orada burada gezmiyorum? Ya da yapacak bir isim olmadiginda neden güzel manzarali bir yerde temiz havayi solumak yerine mal mal bilgisayar ekranina bakiyorum? Sürekli tek basina bir hayat yasasam McDonald's ve birtakim süpermarketler disinda hicbir yere gitmem sanirim.
Münih'i fethettim. Fatih Sultan Mehmet gibi degil ama GTA'daki gibi. Tren baglantilarini kontrol etmeden istedigim yere gidebiliyorum. Magazalari ve nerede ucuz yemek yenebilecegini biliyorum. Englischer Garten ve Olympiapark'da kostum. Steinberger See ve Regattaanlage'de kürek cektim. Müzeleri gördüm. Tuvaletlerin nerede oldugunu biliyorum. Sonuc olarak, Münih'i memnuniyetle ve dönmemecesine terk edebilirim.
"I thought with pleasure: as long as life contains baths, living is worth the effort."
"I've always seen you eating fruit, Clealia. That's real youth."
"Nobody deserves anything."
"...and there were big landscapes and nudes on the walls, almost as if to say that the aim of all the gamblers was to live well and keep nude women in furs. What makes you boil is that you have to admit that everything really does come to this and the gamblers are right."
"I thought of how the world is, that everybody works in order to stop working, but if somebody doesn't work, you get mad."
"I told Becuccio that it was nice to live like the old man and slam the door in people's faces abd work only when you liked."
"All in all, living is really putting up with someone else and going to bed with him, whether you feel like it or not. Having money means you can isolate yourself. But then why leisured people with money always look for company and noise?"
"You get things when you can finally live without them."
"I'll bet your father is one of those who say: 'If I were a boy, I'd begin all over again.'"
"We study better in hostile surroundings than hospitable ones, a student is always well advised to chose a hostile place of study rather than a hospitable one, for the hospitable place will rob him of the better part of his concentration for his studies, the hostile place on the other hand will allow him total concentration, since he must concentrate on his studies to avoid despairing, and to that extent one can absolutely recommend Salzburg, probably like all other so-called beautiful towns, as a place of study, of course only to someone with a strong character, a weak character will inevitably be destroyed in the briefest time."
"We try out all possible avenues and then abondon them, abruptly throw decades of work in the garbage can."
Münih'i fethettim. Fatih Sultan Mehmet gibi degil ama GTA'daki gibi. Tren baglantilarini kontrol etmeden istedigim yere gidebiliyorum. Magazalari ve nerede ucuz yemek yenebilecegini biliyorum. Englischer Garten ve Olympiapark'da kostum. Steinberger See ve Regattaanlage'de kürek cektim. Müzeleri gördüm. Tuvaletlerin nerede oldugunu biliyorum. Sonuc olarak, Münih'i memnuniyetle ve dönmemecesine terk edebilirim.
"I thought with pleasure: as long as life contains baths, living is worth the effort."
"I've always seen you eating fruit, Clealia. That's real youth."
"Nobody deserves anything."
"...and there were big landscapes and nudes on the walls, almost as if to say that the aim of all the gamblers was to live well and keep nude women in furs. What makes you boil is that you have to admit that everything really does come to this and the gamblers are right."
"I thought of how the world is, that everybody works in order to stop working, but if somebody doesn't work, you get mad."
"I told Becuccio that it was nice to live like the old man and slam the door in people's faces abd work only when you liked."
"All in all, living is really putting up with someone else and going to bed with him, whether you feel like it or not. Having money means you can isolate yourself. But then why leisured people with money always look for company and noise?"
"You get things when you can finally live without them."
"I'll bet your father is one of those who say: 'If I were a boy, I'd begin all over again.'"
"We study better in hostile surroundings than hospitable ones, a student is always well advised to chose a hostile place of study rather than a hospitable one, for the hospitable place will rob him of the better part of his concentration for his studies, the hostile place on the other hand will allow him total concentration, since he must concentrate on his studies to avoid despairing, and to that extent one can absolutely recommend Salzburg, probably like all other so-called beautiful towns, as a place of study, of course only to someone with a strong character, a weak character will inevitably be destroyed in the briefest time."
"We try out all possible avenues and then abondon them, abruptly throw decades of work in the garbage can."
15 Haziran 2013 Cumartesi
Kisa süre önce Gezi Parki Direnisi'nin yurt geneline yayilmasi sonucu Rize 'halki' ile direnis destekcileri karsi karsiya geldi. Halk ve direnis destekcileri arasindaki durum baslangici ile Madimak'i fazlaca andiriyordu.
Nazi Almanyasi'nda milyonlarca Yahudinin katledilmesinin basarilmasi yalnizca totaliter rejim, politik sebepler ya da Yahudi nefreti ile aciklanamayabilir. Alman halkinin varolan yasayi takip etmeyi yeterli görmeyen, her bir bireyin yasanin yapicisi gibi davranan karakteri bu duruma katkida bulunan faktörlerdendi.
Türkiye'de devlet babayi her seyden kutsal gören gelenek yenilgiye ugramadi, kamu mali hala fantastik önemli bir sey. Fakat, sanirim Almanya'da olan ölcekte bir olayin Türkiye'de olmasi cok mümkün degil. Bizim iyi yürekli teyzelerimiz falan var.
Cok safca bir sey yazmis olabilirim.
Insanlarin birbirleriyle iliskileri varolan bir sey degil. Iliski bir kurgu. Düs.
Intihar etmek mantikli degil. Etmemek de mantikli degil.
Manastira kapanmak mantikli.
Neden variz? - Önemli bir soru. - Cünkü, mühendise, biliminsanina ve isletmecilere ihtiyac var. Tek sebep bu.
Bilgi. Her sey sadece bilgiden olusuyor. Bilgisayar icin 1 ve 0'larin siralamasi. Insan icin adenin, guanin, timin, ve sitozin siralamasi. Kitaplar icin harflerin siralamasi. ve bu kadar.
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